So off to A2 we went. As soon as I walked in and handed my paperwork to the lady at the front, another lady walked out and said "Jadyn" - I thought man that was fast. Unfortunately there was a little boy there who was also named Jadyn (probably spelled different). So the nurse took us back and I explained the situation to her and told her I did not want to traumatize my child anymore. She was already wrapped like a burrito, and prodded with a stitching needle, all while screaming "No, Momma. It hurts! It hurts!" And you don't think I am a bit traumatized too? The nurse informed me that there (A2) they know HOW to take care of children. The other place - not so much. Then the doctor came in and she was WONDERFUL!!! Super sweet, super caring and also told me that she would NEVER put stitches in a wound like Jadyn's. Great I thought - look what I just put my kid through - FOR NOTHING!!! AAAGGHHHH!!! So Jadyn got her $50 popsicle and we were off on our merry way.
Oh yeah the ER doc also checked Grant's breathing because he was coughing SO BADLY. She recommended that I continue the course of action I was - which wasn't much. So we left. I went to Krystel's house to pick up Grace (Greg and Jacob were at the Red Wings game) and as she was holding Grant, Krystel asked me if I had checked his temperature because he felt hot. I said no, and she checked it. Yeah it was 102 degrees!! I quickly packed everything up and drove home, all while calling the on-call pediatrician, and yes, you guessed it - bawling! How much more could one mother take? OK I know that is a dumb question, what with kids starving to death in other countries, but I was talking about my own kids now. The ped *talked me down* and encouraged me to give Grant Tylenol or Motrin and keep watching him. Again it went back to the REAL issue ...Greg's current insurance expiring at midnight TONIGHT. I didn't know what to do because the ped told me earlier in the week to call her if there was any increase in fever. OK - so basically I was freaking out. I called my beloved friend, Julie, who only told me that it sounded like when her daughter, Selah, had pneumonia. Oh yeah - that made it all feel so much better - NOT!!! But I love her anyway! So I gave him some Motrin, nursed him and he fell asleep. Hopefully that is what he needed. (It is certainly what I need)
So before Jadyn went to bed, she managed to walk into a wall and the bathroom door. Both times re-opening the wound in her mouth. I certainly hope and pray that this heals very quickly because as it stands now, we cannot afford a blood transfusion within the next 24 hours!!
I should really sleep now...