Thursday, February 23, 2012
Jacob in Trouble
This week Jacob got in trouble at school. He was accused of bullying. His crime? He told a kid in his class to hug another kid. The reason it was bullying was because the kid he told to do the hugging is emotionally impaired. I ended up having to meet with the principal and the teacher. The end result was the Jacob was a 4th grade boy being a 4th grade boy. He was not malicious and definitely not a bully. He was trying to be funny. He just chose the wrong way to do it. Yet another learning experience. I'm sure we're not done yet.
Yummy Thumb
Last night I asked Grant why he was sucking his yucky thumb. He said it wasn't yucky, but that it was yummy. I said no way. His response? "Yes, it is. Want to take a taste?" That is a very nice way of asking me if I wanted to do something disgusting.
Prayer Group Starts TONIGHT!
I have felt the LORD leading me to open my home for anyone who loves any child to come and lift them before the throne of God. So, tonight is the first meeting. I am so excited!!! And a little nervous too. I have been reading in Exodus - about Moses and his call to lead the Israelites out of Egypt - and how he was so doubtful of his abilities. That is how I have felt about this. Completely unable. God is so good. He has and continues to equip me for this. The LORD has really bolstered my courage with my devotion this morning. It is entitled "Help Needed". The Scripture comes from Hebrews 4:9-16:
There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works,[a] just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience.For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven,[b] Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
When help is needed, Christian brothers and sisters are a great resource, however, our greatest resource is PRAYER! Seeking help from our Heavenly Father. The devotion says "At such times [troubling times], our greatest resource is prayer - for it brings us into the very presence of God. There we find, in His mercy and grace, the help we need." Oh man! There is no place like the presence of God. That is where I belong.
There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works,[a] just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience.For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven,[b] Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
When help is needed, Christian brothers and sisters are a great resource, however, our greatest resource is PRAYER! Seeking help from our Heavenly Father. The devotion says "At such times [troubling times], our greatest resource is prayer - for it brings us into the very presence of God. There we find, in His mercy and grace, the help we need." Oh man! There is no place like the presence of God. That is where I belong.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Jacob's basketball team won the tournament they played in this weekend. They took the whole thing - and they fought some very hard games. The last 2 games ended with two boys (one from each of the losing teams) having temper tantrums. The first one would not shake our team's hands and the second one took off his jersey and threw it. Too bad. Our boys have lost a LOT of games (because they are playing up in a 5th grade league despite being in 4th grade) but they have never acted like that. THAT is what makes me most proud of them!!!! It certainly helps that Jacob ripped the ball out of the hands of a player on the last team to stop them from tying the game up - causing us to win!!! Yay Jacob! Yay Eagles!!!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
A Heart in Need of Healing
This morning my devotion with Greg centered around the first 6 verses of Psalm 116. As soon as I opened the Bible, I said that I didn't like this one. This chapter was the chapter I read the night BT died. I remember laying on my bed, in my long underwear, in my apartment, reading this - wondering why I was reading it. Shortly thereafter, my dad knocked on my door and said the words I will never forget, "BT is dead." At that moment, I dropped my pants. I know it seems weird, but I knew I had to change but it was like I was simply not thinking. I remember my mom laying in the back of the suburban, holding a picture of BT, moaning and crying out for him. I remember my dad as a robot. He was simply doing what had to be done - pushing his feelings aside because he had to take care of everyone else. I remember Scott sitting in the front seat, afraid to talk. I remember the drive to Krystel's to tell her. Then the drive to Grandma and Grandpa Boss's house, where my mom sat at Grandma's knee, weeping and asking why. Grandma, in all her wisdom, had no answer. We were there for quite a while, then we went home. As we got home, our house was flooded with our family, surrounding us with their love, and more importantly, God's love. It was the worst day of my life. Yet, I remember some parts of it with complete fondness. Laying on the hammock at 6 in the morning, watching my extended family arrive, knowing others were comforting my mom and dad. God was, and is, so good. I hate that my brother died too soon for me, but God is in control and He does have a plan. Of that I am sure. But reading that Scripture this morning, ripped open the wound I have tried so hard to ignore. And ignore is the perfect word. I have ignored that BT died. For almost 13 years, I have ignored it. I think about him from time to time, but I ignore that he died. God is the healer of hearts, and today my heart needs healing. I am facing the fact - BT is dead.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Today is Greg's birthday. I sent Jacob into Meijer, alone for the first time, to get ice cream. He was in there a while and Grace started to worry. She kept saying, "Go get him, Mom. I can't believe you are letting him do this. What if some one steals him?" Then Jadyn says, "I just saw a robber walk by my window." Finally, he came out and got back in the van. Then he says, "Whew! That was close." I asked what he was talking about. He said, "The sign said 'under 40, check ID'". It took everything I had not to pee my pants. He thought it meant to check out, not to buy alcohol or cigarettes. Then Grace pipes up again, "I think you need to get him an ID, Mom." To which Jacob replies, "Grace, you don't get an ID until you are in college or something." I have the MOST hilarious kids ever. They are the BEST too!!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012
My boys have been making me laugh.
Yesterday Grant got himself dressed. He came downstairs and told me he was wearing "the thing that holds your nuts from Jacob". What? Upon further investigation, I found that over his underwear and under his pants he was wearing Jacob's jock, sans cup.
This morning Jacob came and got in bed with me. He said, "I have so many parties to attend. That has never happened before. That's 4 parties in 2 weeks." I never would have guessed for him to talk like that. I am so glad that he is enjoying this.
This morning Jacob came and got in bed with me. He said, "I have so many parties to attend. That has never happened before. That's 4 parties in 2 weeks." I never would have guessed for him to talk like that. I am so glad that he is enjoying this.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Basketball Tournament (Feb 4)
The Eagles rocked the Milan tournament today! Unfortunately, they did not win - but they played some of the MOST aggressive basketball I have seen from them. Especially, my Jacob. At dinner afterward, his coaches asked, "What did you feed that kid?!?! He was an animal! I have never seen him so aggressive - it was awesome! I was surprised his did not foul out in that last game!" And he was awesome! He really stunned me too. I even remember looking at Greg with a question in my eye, as if to say, what the heck? It was so cool!
At the dinner afterward, Grant sat the the team table and somehow became their mascot. Maybe it was because he was such an animal. He had no trouble keeping up with the big boys - but that is no surprise either.
The girls were slightly bored, but managed to pass the time by eating. The. Whole. Time. Yeah.
Greg and I were on the verge of being thrown out because we yelled so loud at one point. I guess we are still working on the whole self-control thing. My dad asked me why I can't just control myself like him. I said that's the problem - I do.
Toenails for Breakfast
This morning I was kissing Grant's feet and I notice that his last 3 nails on his feet were long, but the first 2 were not. I asked him if he was biting his toenails and he told me yes. Then he proceeded to show me how he does it. I told him that this was disgusting and he should not be doing that. He replied, "But I love it!" Rotten, simply rotten.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Greg and I were just praying over the house situation. After the prayer, Greg says to me, "I couldn't help feeling like Jacob asking for the iPod Touch." (because that is what he desperately wants) I reminded Greg that God is not our genie, but as Jacob's parents, don't we want to give him "every good thing"? We know an iPod Touch would make him happy and we want him to be happy, but FIRST we want him to be responsible, respectful and obedient. God wants all that from and for us too. He is our Heavenly Father and He loves us more than we could ever love our own children.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
CRISIS in the Pawlak Household!
Jadyn had to do a grandparent interview. She chose to interview Grandma Boss. As I was putting her to bed tonight, she told me that she had to have her grandparent at school tomorrow. Well.....Grandma and Grandpa just went up north and Mimi and Papa are in Florida. When I told her they went up north she started bawling. This was the first I had heard that the grandparent was supposed to BE THERE. So we called Grandma and did the interview over the phone. Grandma felt terrible and asked if she could phone in or maybe come in on Monday. Jadyn was just sad, really, really sad. She completed the interview and I sent her on to bed and finished the call with Grandma. Greg went upstairs where he found not only Jadyn crying, but also Grace. Grace, ever so sympathetic, was so upset at what was happening to Jadyn. She said, "This kind of thing never happened to me. I am so sorry it happened to you, Jadyn. If you want me to I will dress up as a grandma and come to your class." Awww.......Greg ran downstairs, grabbed the phone and told Grandma what she had done to HIM! Poor unsuspecting Grandma - who just wanted to get away and have some peace and quiet. I ended the call and went up to lay with the girls. They had moved on to a bit of laughter by this point - PRAISE THE LORD! Jadyn then explained to me that Grace had, indeed, volunteered to dress up as Grandma and come to her class. This was the description: she would take one of those hula hoop things from gym class and put it around her, then she would put Grandma clothes on and the hula hoop thing would be her belly, full of food. Nice. I am sure Grandma is nothing short of thrilled at a description like that. All is quiet now. I am awaiting an email back from Jadyn's teacher as to what exactly is supposed to happen tomorrow. We'll see.
I am just so thankful that my girls love each other so much. They really and truly feel each other's pain. They are more than a blessing. Thank You, LORD.
I am just so thankful that my girls love each other so much. They really and truly feel each other's pain. They are more than a blessing. Thank You, LORD.
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