Tonight we went to the "Space Festival" at the First Nazarene Church, here in town. It was so much fun!!! They served dinner, had a cake walk, face painting, trunk-or-treating, a magic show and a great message. My kids loved it too! They also had a giant balloon that was battes around the sanctuary while a great band played - super fun. They were able to do a trial run on their halloween costumes. The church did an absolutely fabulous job of putting this on and a lot of people really worked VERY hard to pull this off. Grace even won a cake!
Grant getting ready for the party!

The Cake Walk

Grace and her trophy cake

Some of the games at the trunk-or-treating

Giant beach ball in the sanctuary - it was after this that Jacob said he wanted to go to church there tomorrow

This morning the kids an I were watching a Jack Hannah show on sea turtles. It was neat, as we were able to watch sea turtle lay eggs (one was even 800 pounds!) So tonight, after baths, Jacob came crawling out of my vedroom with a laundry basket on his back and asked me: "How many eggs do you think I will lay?" I was cracking up so much I could not even answer!!! You can't get any better than stuff like this - incidents like these make all the menialness of being a mom so very worth it! I love my kids!!!! And I love my husband for wokring so hard so that I can be home with them!!!! And I love my Lord for making it all possible!!!! Thank you, Lord!